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Category: Eye Resources

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Multifocal Intraocular Lens Implants

Multifocal Intraocular Lens Implants (multifocal IOLs) are a relatively new phenomenon in the world of vision correction, with the first FDA-approved lens hitting the market in 2005. Don’t be swayed by the seemingly recent developments; multifocal IOLs are an effective way to expand your range of vision, with little to no post-surgical complications. Working as […]

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Cataract Surgery

Cataracts affect millions of Americans each year, and as the leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of fifty, it’s no wonder new advances in cataract surgery are breaking through on a regular basis. The most recent development? Laser technology—the new-and-improved version of the traditional hand-and-knife technique of past decades. With laser […]

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Eye Exams

Unlike a vision screening or other general eye test, comprehensive eye exams evaluate the entire health of the eye. They also help your optometrist determine your unique prescription. Comprehensive eye exams should begin as an infant to ensure proper eye and vision development. Ongoing eye health examinations at regular intervals are also important as many […]

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