Our Practice in Houston

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Patient Care & Education

Dr. Stephens and her team firmly believe in spending time with patients to provide comprehensive eye care and educate them on their eyes and vision. We offer a no-rush service, so when you visit us, you can expect a personalized, one-on-one experience.

Our commitment to our community and making a difference worldwide is signified by CHOSEN—our exclusive frame brand with a storied history. 

Whether you need assistance with dry eye symptoms or your children are struggling with myopia, our team looks forward to welcoming you!

Schedule your appointment today and allow us to be your destination for eye care.

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Our Mission

We exist to provide comprehensive eye care to our patients that advances public health with compassion and excellence, to provide a healthy work environment for our employees, and to carry out the Weslayan Eye Associates vision to make a difference in our community—one patient at a time—and in our world by contributing to local and global mission projects.

Meet Our Team

Nancy Stephens

Dr. Nancy E. Stephens

Therapeutic Optometrist, Optometric Glaucoma Specialist

Margaret S. Kwan

Dr. Margaret S. Kwan

Therapeutic Optometrist, Optometric Glaucoma Specialist



Optician/Patient Support Specialist

Personalized Eye Care 

When you visit Dr. Stephens for an eye exam, you aren’t just with her for 10 minutes. Dr. Stephens takes a concierge approach to eye care and spends the full eye exam getting to know your eyes and vision. 

Dr. Stephens takes the time to explain the process, what to expect, and how she can help. We care for our patients and treat them like family. Our team strives to be your destination for eye care—book your appointment today!

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Visit Our Location

You can find us off Bissonnet St. in Weslayan Plaza, with plenty of parking available in front of the clinic. Exams are scheduled by appointment only.

Our Address

  • 4030 Bissonnet St.
  • Houston, TX 77005

Contact Information

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Frames with a Purpose

To Dr. Stephens and her team, eye care is about making a difference. Our exclusive CHOSEN frames allow us to make a global impact through eye care and continue to spread the Weslayan Eye Associates message.

We believe that eye care should be accessible and our frames are made with a purpose.

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