Dry Eye Therapy in Houston

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Helping You Overcome Dry Eyes

Dr. Stephens and her team are proud to be your destination for dry eye care. At Weslayan Eye Associates, we want to help you overcome the symptoms of dry eye, such as blurry vision, watery eyes, and irritation caused by inflammation.

To do so, we offer innovative technology like OptiLight by Lumenis and autologous serum tears to help you find relief. 

Dr. Stephens is committed to dry eye research and always looking for new ways to evolve dry eye treatments and education. Contact us to schedule your appointment today to address your dry eyes and get a closer look at our research opportunities.

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Our Commitment to Research

Dry eye is a multifaceted condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. Because of this, ongoing research is conducted to develop and improve innovative treatment methods. Dr. Stephens is committed to dry eye research and remains open to recruiting and meeting new people. 

Please contact us if you’re interested in participating in a research study for dry eyes.

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A Closer Look at Dry Eye

Before helping you find what treatment option is best for your needs, Dr. Stephens feels it’s important to take the time to help you understand how dry eye works. 

The tear film is where it all begins. Your tears are composed of 3 layers:

  • The oily outer layer
  • The watery middle layer
  • The inner mucus layer

Dry eye can occur when the glands that produce these elements of your tears are not functioning properly or become inflamed. Inflammation of the glands that line your eyelids can also lead to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). MGD can reduce oil production, causing water to evaporate and cause dryness.

Our Dry Eye Treatments

We know how frustrating and uncomfortable dealing with dry eye can be. Dr. Stephens and the rest of the team offer innovative dry eye treatments to help you overcome dry eyes and find relief.

OptiLight by Lumenis

OptiLight by Lumenis is a light-based, non-invasive treatment done in the area below the eyes to manage dry eye. The first and only IPL FDA-approved for dry eye management.

The treatment is safe, gentle, and is backed by more than 20 clinical studies.

OptiLight uses precise pulses of light to reduce the inflammation that is typically associated with dry eye disease, improve tear break-up time, and increase meibomian gland functionality.

Learn More About OptiLight

Autologous Serum Tears

Autologous serum tears (AST) are a custom-made solution derived from the patient’s own blood. This allows them to closely resemble true tears. The blood is collected and processed to create a sterile serum that is rich in growth factors and natural anti-inflammatory agents. These properties make AST an effective treatment for dry eye, reducing inflammation and promoting healing of the corneal surface.

Autologous serum contains proteins, growth factors, vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and electrolytes.

Thoughtful & Knowledgeable Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye shouldn’t put your productivity on hold. Dr. Stephens and her team are excited to offer innovative treatment options to help you address the underlying causes of your dry eyes. When you visit us, you can expect a warm welcome and knowledgeable staff. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment and get your comfort back.

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Visit Our Location

You can find us off Bissonnet St. in Weslayan Plaza, with plenty of parking available in front of the clinic. Exams are scheduled by appointment only.

Our Address

  • 4030 Bissonnet St.
  • Houston, TX 77005

Contact Information

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Frames with a Purpose

To Dr. Stephens and her team, eye care is about making a difference. Our exclusive CHOSEN frames allow us to make a global impact through eye care and continue to spread the Weslayan Eye Associates message.

We believe that eye care should be accessible and our frames are made with a purpose.

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