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Reduce Digital Eye Strain

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Do you get headaches or eyestrain from staring at your computer screen? At the end of a long day in front of your digital devices, is it difficult to focus on objects in the distance? You may be suffering from digital eye strain. With most of the population working on computers for multiple hours a day, [name] want to share some information on the benefits of computer lenses.

Computer Lenses

According to the American Optometric Association, the average American worker spends seven hours a day on the computer, either in the office or working at home. That’s why digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome is common. Computer vision syndrome is caused by excessive digital screen use. Symptoms include blurry vision, sore and tired eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. Nearsighted people often complain of headaches, eye strain, squinting or fatigue when driving, playing sports, or when looking more than a few feet away.

Special lenses can be used to supplement your primary pair of eyewear. They can solve vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader, and cell phone use by enhancing vision at the near and intermediate distances.  

To avoid or reduce digital eye strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every twenty minutes, concentrate on taking a 20-second break to view something 20 feet away.

Are you experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain? Ask [name] for more information during your next visit.

Written by Weslayan Eye Associates

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