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Category: Lenses & Frames

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High Definition Lenses

High definition lenses, also known as digital lenses, are now available. These advanced technology lenses offer a number of benefits over conventionally surfaced lenses. Unlike conventional lenses, HD lenses are manufactured using digital computer technology and diamond-cutting tools that allow the lenses’ surface to be customized to an individual’s eyes. The quality of a high […]

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Eyeglass Frame Materials

Never before has there been such a variety of frame materials to use for informed, technologically-driven patients. Ask us about the features and benefits of each frame material and what best meets your lifestyle requirements.This article outlines the facts on each frame material currently used to manufacture eyeglasses available in the marketplace, to help you […]

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Scratch Protection

Although no lens material is “scratch-proof,” it’s important to protect your new lenses with a scratch resistant treatment. Lenses that are treated on the front and backside with a clear, hard coating show increased resistance to scratching. A two-sided scratch resistant treatment is the best choice for optimal scratch resistant protection. Watch the video below […]

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